The Many Benefits of Custom Car Lift Systems

Parking is an ongoing problem, especially with large structures that house multiple residents. People need to drive. More importantly, they need a place to put their vehicles when not in use, since cars spend most of their “lives” waiting to be driven. When space is limited and surrounding roads need to be kept clear, property owners should consider investing in mechanical parking systems. Such systems can double the amount of parking spaces, of course, but that’s not all they can do. Here are just a few of the many benefits of custom car lift systems.

Space, the Final Frontier

As mentioned, car lifts increase the number of spaces available. Whether you dig down or rise up, you’re only limited by the amount of ceiling space available. Going vertical allows you to store a less-frequently-used car above or below, and a mechanical system makes it easy to retrieve either car through a hydraulic or electrical system. With a mechanical system, residents can come and go as they please without interfering with another residents’ cars. With a below-ground setup, you even have the option of renting out space to non-residents who simply want a place to keep their cars until necessary.

Safety First

Mechanical parking systems create a better environment for safety because they remove the human element from driving and parking. Most parking lots and garages are rife with opportunities for vehicles to strike pedestrians and other vehicles. With multiple residents, the risks only increase. Automatic and semi-automatic parking systems, on the other hand, leave the parking to machines. That means no driving around to find a spot, and no need for people to mill around the aisles and ramps.

Anti-Theft, and More

Another one of the many benefits of custom car lift systems is that they keep cars stowed away in places where thieves, vandals, and other ne'er-do-wells can’t go. When you store a vehicle using a car lift, you’re placing it up and out of reach of anyone looking for a quick score. As mentioned above, mechanical parking systems make cars and drivers even more accessible since they’re not open to foot traffic; therefore, they won’t let anyone hide while waiting for an unsuspecting individual.

A Great Perk

Property owners should view car lift systems as a terrific selling point to pitch to potential residents, merchants, and others seeking to buy or rent space in their buildings. Car lifts, as mentioned, increase the number of spaces, which means more places for customers to park. Residents will also appreciate the availability of an enclosed parking area that grants them easy access to their residence or business while keeping their car protected from the elements.

In conclusion, mechanical car lift systems are a terrific addition to residential and multi-purpose buildings. Consider investing in building one and watch the potential benefits rack up!