What Makes Automated Parking Systems ADA-Compliant?

It’s important for all businesses to feature accessible parking spaces for all. ADA parking guidelines help outline what makes a parking space more accessible for those with disabilities. Keep reading to learn more about ADA parking requirements and what makes automated parking systems ADA-compliant.

ADA Compliance Defined

ADA laws are guidelines set by the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide equal access to public places for all people, regardless of their ability level. There are several qualities that ADA-compliant parking spaces must meet to be considered accessible. In a traditional parking lot, spaces must fit a certain length and width, feature aisle access, be on level ground, and feature the appropriate markings. However, when it comes to automated parking systems, being ADA-Compliant looks a bit different due to the mechanical nature of the parking system.

What Makes Automated Parking Compliant

Automated garages don’t have the same requirements for ADA Parking Compliance as traditional lots do. Automated garages don’t require accessible parking spaces because visitors aren’t the ones who park their cars—the machinery does. Because of these differences, many people wonder what makes automated parking systems ADA-compliant. ADA-compliant mechanical garages must include at least one accessible passenger loading zone at the vehicle drop-off and pick-up areas to provide access for those with disabilities. This includes loading platforms that fit a certain width and length, level platforms, and control panels that are located at an accessible height.

Why Is ADA Compliance Important?

ADA parking guidelines are crucial for both traditional lots and automated parking systems to promote equal access for all. As a business owner, you don’t want to discriminate against customers and visitors with disabilities by failing to offer safe and ADA-compliant parking. Following ADA guidelines will ensure that all your customers have safe access to your business. If you fail to offer safe access for all your visitors, your business’s reputation or legality could be at risk. You don’t want to put your customers or business at risk by failing to meet ADA requirements.

Automated parking makes parking easier for all parties, including your business. Automated parking saves your customers the hassle of traditional parking, which can be especially helpful to those with disabilities. Learn how to implement automated parking systems in your own business’s parking lot or structure with Harding Steel’s help. We can provide the best in mechanical parking technology and systems to fit any business.