Harding Autopark Systems offers Underground Parking Systems like the Parklift 450, a mechanical parking system with installation flexibility for 2 to 4 cars. Variations of these parking lift systems have been in the global market for 60 years and are now available for North American customers seeking a new paring alternative in the realm of Underground Parking Systems. Make better use of the space you have by going deep and expanding your parking alternatives in a smaller space!
Pits assist the Wöhr Parklift 450 in creating separate spacing for vehicles in the same area. Referred to as subterranean parking lift systems or “pit parking systems,” digging down creates more parking possibilities for your property. Underground parking systems are relatively easy to construct and provide an elegant solution for storing and protecting your vehicles. Contact us for more information on how we can double or even quadruple your garage's area for safeguarding your favorite vehicles with an underground parking lift.
Add extra parking space for multi-family residences and other structures
Park two to four vehicles without needing to remove one to access the other
The hydraulic systems provide safe and nearly silent efficiency
A self-parking system that doesn't require extra automated parking or control mechanics.
Drive plates are strong and built to last, even under extra weight
Save by adding an extra level of parking space
Drivers can park cars on their own
A lower amount of maintenance is required
Easy to operate and extra safe
Single-wide lifts (two vehicles) can handle widths up to 106”
Double-wide lifts (four vehicles) can handle widths up to 212”
Handles car heights up to 80 inches
Economical operation and maintenance
Extra weight? 4400- and 5760-pound weight capacity options are available
Talk to us about your space needs
208V 3phase 40 Amp
One-year parts and labor